Helping Carers Cope

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Welcome To Dementia Help

Practical Advice & Support For Dementia Carers

Dementia Help emerged in 2017 as a beacon of hope for those caring for loved ones with dementia. Founder Christina Collison witnessed firsthand the struggles of dementia care when her mother Hazel was diagnosed with vascular dementia in 2009. Determined to help others in her shoes, Christina launched Dementia Help to provide practical advice and support for other dementia carers.

Whether through our informative articles, engaging community on Facebook, or insightful magazine, our goal is to provide the support you deserve. Discover a trusted ally in Dementia Help as you care for your loved one.

Dealing With A Dementia Diagnosis

Key things to know and do early on

Dementia Help Wins “Most Trusted Dementia Support Platform” Award

Elderly lady with adult daughter
Dementia Help has won the Most Trusted Dementia Support Platform 2024 – UK at Global Health & Pharma’s Social Care Awards. Recognising exceptional work in the social care sector, this prestigious award highlights commitment, expertise, and dedication. The judging panel and research team evaluated nominees based on nomination details, voting information, supporting evidence, and thorough fact-checking. Read more about the award here.

Dementia Help Magazine

Read our Latest Issue

Looking for helpful tips on caring for a loved one with dementia? Look no further than Dementia Help, a free digital publication offering advice and support on caring for your loved one.

This issue focuses on self-care for carers, as if you don’t take care of your own health and wellbeing, it will be difficult or even impossible to care for a loved one. We reveal some quick and useful health hacks to boost your immune system.

We also look at the sensitive topic of personal hygiene and how to manage it with your loved one, plus coping with conversations, preventing fraud and what type of financial help and support may be available. Essential reading for all dementia carers.

Front cover of Dementia Help Magazine issue 2 featuring 60s singing star Tony Christie

We’re Here To Help You Manage Your Caring Role

We know that caring for a loved one with dementia can be overwhelming. Rest assured; you’re not alone in this. We’re here to support you and help you navigate the journey.

Current Challenges

You’re dealing with the physical challenges of caring for your loved one, including taking the person to appointments, organising food and medication and ensuring they have everything needed to stay well. We explain how to make your daily life easier.

Future Fears

While you’re juggling current daily tasks, there’s also the worry of the person’s future care, perhaps even including where they will live. It’s natural to worry about the future and what it may hold. We look at how you can plan ahead and some key things to consider.

Emotional Toll

You’re also mourning the person you’ve lost, as your loved one may have changed, and so might the dynamic of your relationship. We tackle how to deal with your emotional challenges and take care of yourself. (You can’t pour from an empty cup).

To the world you may be one person. But to one person you may be the world.

You’re Not Alone In Your Dementia Caring Role

Are you caring for a loved one with dementia? It’s a huge challenge to live with dementia. It can be mentally and physically exhausting as you juggle the daily tasks involved in keeping your loved one safe while trying to plan ahead for a future that seems unpredictable and access financial help and support.

It’s common for carers to feel isolated and alone. Until you experience living with dementia, it’s impossible to know how it feels. While there’s no easy solution to navigating the dementia journey, it’s helpful and reassuring to know that advice and support are available and that others understand your situation.

Dementia Help is an award-winning trusted resource that aims to help you provide the best possible care for your loved one by offering practical tips and advice.

Our founder, Christina Collison, experienced every stage of dementia after caring for her mum for almost ten years.

We understand the challenges. And we’re here to help. You don’t have to feel isolated.