Oct 30, 2019 | Blog, Personal stories
Carer Leanne Gibson has quit her job to look after her nan and has written about the impact of being a dementia carer. Imagine losing someone you love more than anything in the world. Imagine losing someone you love but who physically is still here. Imagine having to...
Sep 20, 2019 | About Dementia, News
World’s largest dementia study reveals two-thirds of people think dementia is a normal part of ageing, rather than a medical condition – Alzheimer’s Society comments. 95 per cent of participants think they could develop dementia in their lifetime – a survey of...
Sep 9, 2019 | Advice, Behaviour
Dementia can increase a person’s frustration and cause mood swings. This is partly because daily tasks are tougher to complete. Regularly losing a purse, keys or other personal items can frustrate the person and lead them to lose their temper, especially if they have...